Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > meditaiton as open awareness


Meditation & Spirit ~ where meditation is no more

May 1, 2019

Saying For Today: For the natural movement of Life is into the freedom empty of reliance on technique, empty of clinging to objects, even those called holy or sacred. If one engages these objects then, one does so with a sense of divine playfulness.

spacious welcome

*Brian Wilcox. 'spacious welcome'. Flickr

I have often been encouraged in recalling a story related by the Buddhist Jack Kornfield, in his After the Ecstasy, the Laundry. He shares of the Catholic nun who died, holding to her rosary. After having revived, she lived a time and died again. This time she declined the rosary. This story was not a statement against using a rosary, yet pertains to our subject today. For the natural movement of Life is into the freedom empty of reliance on technique, empty of clinging to objects, even those called holy or sacred. If one engages these objects then, one does so with a sense of divine playfulness.

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meditation comes to be
not trying to get to the other shore
but resting in openness on the one shore
a one shore that does not deny the other shore
but includes it for Spirit includes everything

I use the word meditation with reserve. I rarely speak of this word. I am not as comfortable with the word as earlier in life. One reason, what I usually mean by the word means other than what many say. Yet, for communication sake, I, as here, sometimes use "meditation." In Spirit, there is no meditation, only presence, only being. So, to cling to meditation is to deny meditation is meant to drop into a being-presence no longer needing meditation as a technique.

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Someone could ask me, "What is meditation?" or "What kind of meditation do you do?" My reply, in this writing, flows with the last writing here at "Lotus of the Heart," Spirit with Spirit. One may wish to look at that first, before proceeding here.


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Lotus of the Heart > Path of Spirit > meditaiton as open awareness

©Brian Wilcox 2024